
The City of Summerside is located in western Prince Edward Island, approximately twenty minutes from the Confederation Bridge. Follow the highway signs to Summerside, turn at the Water Street exit and you’ll quickly arrive in the downtown area with the beautiful Bedeque Bay on your left. Continue on Water Street until turning right on Spring Street to locate Wyatt Heritage Properties. The Wyatt Historic House Museum at 85 Spring Street and the MacNaught History Centre and Archives at 75 Spring Street both face Memorial Square. The Lefurgey Cultural Centre is located at 205 Prince Street, the Summerside Interpretive Centre and the PEI Fox Museum are located in the historic Armoury at 33 Summer Street and the Bishop Machine Shop Museum is located at 101 Water Street.
A) Lefurgey Cultural Centre 205 Prince Street
B) Wyatt House Museum 85 Spring Street
C) MacNaught History Centre & Archives 75 Spring Street
D) Summerside Interpretive Centre 33 Summer Street
D) PEI Fox Museum 33 Summer Street
E) Bishop Machine Shop Museum 101 Water Street